The Challenges

Building a new 11 storey student accommodation building

Watkins Steel was contracted by McNab Constructions to supply structural steelwork for a new 11 storey student accommodation building.

The main challenges:

  • Roof steel needed to be erected as soon as the pre-cast panels were installed
  • All steelwork had to match the existing pre-cast panel cut outs and ferrules on site
  • Tight construction frame

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  • Faro Focus 3D X 130 Laser Scanner
  • Telka Structures 3D Modeling Software
  • 3D point cloud model to check for clashes
  • Voortman V808 Coping Machine
  • Trimble RTS773 Total Station for site layout
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Interface between pre-cast panels and structural steel generally provides numerous issues with alignment due to the tolerances between the 2 trades. The 3D scanning of the installed panels and ferrule locations meant that these tolerances were accounted for with exact measurements, ensuring that all interfacing members perfectly aligned. This eliminated on site cutting and adjustments, ultimately saving time and money on site. Given that the scanning model maps the entire area, other advantages were gained beyond the structural steel interface. Being provided with the 3D model meant were able to review the as built structure in 3D format. This also allowed us to better plan for further technical elements of the build that needed to occur.
Jed Overdijk, Senior Project Manager
